2 open postdoc positions in birational geometry and/or foliations
Application deadline is 30 March 2025, including recommendation letters
Start of position is on 1 September 2025.
To apply, send:
- CV and research statement of max. 5 pages, sent by email with subject "SERI postdoc name of applicant"
- 1 recommendation letter, sent by email with subject "SERI letter name of applicant"
The project
The ERC Saphidir could not be transferred into Switzerland and therefore terminated on 14 Feburary 2025. The State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) of Switzerland awarded me with replacement funding until December 2027.
The research group
Invited collaborators
Publications and preprints
- T. Duarte Guerreiro, L. Giovenzana, N. Viswanathan: On K-stability of P3 blown up along a smooth genus 2 curve of degree [arxiv] (12/2024)
- Eduardo Alves da Silva, Fernando Figueroa, Joaquín Moraga: Algebraic tori in the complement of quartic surfaces [arxiv] (11/2024)
- P. Fong and M. Maccan: Isotrivial elliptic surfaces in positive characteristic [arxiv] (05/2024)
- S. Zimmermann, Fabio Bernasconi, Andrea Fanelli and Julia Schneider: Explicit Sarkisov program for regular surfaces over arbitrary fields and applications [pdf] (04/2024)
- S. Zimmermann and R. Terpereau: Real forms of Mori fiber spaces with many symmetries [arxiv] (03/2024)
- Eduardo Alves da Silva: Birational geometry of Calabi-Yau pairs (P3,D) of coregularity 2[arxiv] (02/2024)
- Eduardo Alves da Silva: On the decomposition group of a nonsingular plane cubic by a log Calabi-Yau geometrical perspective[arxiv] (02/2024)
- E. Alves da Silva: On the decomposition group of a nonsingular plane cubic by a log Calabi-Yau geometrical perspective [arXiv] (02/2024)
- A. Fanelli, E. Floris , S. Zimmermann: Maximal subgroups in the Cremona groups [pdf] (11/2023)
- P. Fong: Automorphism groups of \PP^1-bundles over ruled surfaces, [pdf] (10/2023)
- S. Zimmermann: Survey on normal subgroups of Cremona groups [pdf] (06/2023)
- A. Boitrel: Del Pezzo surfaces of degree 5 over perfect fields [arxiv] (04/2023)
Events supported by ERC Saphidir and SERI
- Thematic semester in 2025 on K-stability and birational geometry of real Fano threefolds
- Fano Varieties in Cetraro, 9-13 September 2024, Cetraro; organising with I. Cheltsov and A. Fanelli, supported by ERC Saphidir
- EpiGA conference 2024, 10 - 14 June 2024, Jussieu (Sorbonne University), Paris, organised with
S. Boucksom,
B. Claudon,
G. Pacienza and
C. Voisin
- 13th swiss-french workshop in Algebraic Geometry, 29 January - 2 February 2023, organised with A. Fanelli and J. Schneider
- Birational Geometry and Regulous Functions, 6-9 June 2023,
member of scientific committee